How to get through the toughest workout
Have you ever asked anyone with they have done P90X? Most people say “No, that is way too hard”. The thing is, most people can do hard workouts if they know what’s required for Getting Through the Toughest Workout. It is a good thing to be prepared when you know you’re about to get your butt handed to you or even if you just know you’re going to be breathing heavy and dripping sweat.
Yes, you may want to quit and do something else, but finishing is what it is all about. So what is the trick to Getting Through the Toughest Workout?
How can you have the confidence to start and get through tough workouts without bailing out and using excuses like “I’m too tired”, “I’m too pressed for time”, or “I just can’t do it”. Let’s get you started on what it’s all about when it comes to Getting Through the Toughest Workout.
- Be Mentally Prepared: The workouts may wipe you out, but going in mentally prepared by embracing the fact that you want to push yourself because you know it will bring the results you are looking for will make all the difference. Mind over matter, my friend.
- Workout with a Friend or in a Challenge (Accountability) Group:When conquering a grueling workout, you find you may need to take a break for a second. Well, when you’re by yourself your breaks may end up too long or you may never start back up. When you have a workout partner or group that you are accountable to, you’re more likely to jump right back in and do or finish the workout. These groups or working out with a friend by nature push everyone’s competitiveness, which in turn drives you more.
- Have a Routine: Your workouts should be a top priority. They must be as important as brushing your teeth or going to work on time. Your workout cannot be a low priority.
- Have Specific Goals: It is not good enough to just state “I want to lose weight” or “look better”. Your goals must be specific. Say something like, “I want to lose five pounds,” or “finally fit back into my jeans”. S.M.A.R.T. goals are the best goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-targeted).
- Be Positive, Powerful, and Present: Positive Images and Thoughts, Powerful Words, and Focused Presence can truly be a big help. Studies show that athletes who visualize themselves winning are more likely to succeed. If you wanted to, you could visualize before bed finishing your workout, and you’ll be more likely to get through it. Print pictures that are positive and will motivate you and hang them where you work out and in the kitchen.
Come up with what can be your Power Words. Use those words as things you say when you are trying to get through a hard part of your workout. Print off the words and hang them in your workout area.
Focus and be present. Your workouts are about you. They are not about your daily stresses or what you have to get done or have not gotten done. Make it your time. Focus on task at hand. This will allow you to give your best effort from beginning to end. You are also less likely to have an injury if you are focused on what you are doing and on your form.
When you put these things together, you will have no problem Getting Through the Toughest Workout. You just need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed with the best Beachbody Programs, Shakeology, Performance Nutrition, and with a Coach that can help you in a Challenge Group.
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