Friday, April 29, 2016

Spring Cleaning for Your Nutrition Habits

Spring Cleaning for Your Nutritional Habits
Typically when we think of spring cleaning we think about cleaning our house, windows, etc. Well, Spring Cleaning can also mean Thinking about Your Nutritional Habits.
With Spring around the corner, you can take this time as an opportunity to think about creating a brand-new you from the inside out!  Many of us can probably look at our nutrition and we know that our nutritional intake may need an overhaul from the long winter, or just in general.  Here are a few tips that may help ditch your bad nutrition habits, and give you a healthy fresh start.  Let’s spring clean those nutritional habits.
Overhaul your cupboards
Most people have a hard time reaching for something healthy when something not so healthy is within reach.  Remember the old saying “out of sight, out of mind”?  This is true for junk food.  If you don’t have it in your cabinets, you won’t eat it.
So, the first step to spring cleaning your nutritional habits is to take stock of what’s in your cabinets, and get rid of anything that might impede you from cleaning up your nutritional habits. Get rid of anything processed, filled with white sugar and flour and those fat-laden treats that are just going to tempt you.  Restock with whole-grains, rice or almond crackers, low-sugar and whole-grain cereals, and homemade granola rather than sugary boxed breakfasts.
Other items to keep on hand for quick, healthy meals include:
  • Beans (garbanzo, white beans, kidney beans)
  • Canned tomatoes (great for a fresh sauce or easy tomato soup)
  • Artichokes in water (add to pizza, pasta or salad)
  • Pickled veggies (beets, green beans, etc. add a zesty punch to sandwiches)
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa (quick-cooking, full of protein)
If a junk food snack is something you want every now and again, go out to get a small amount and consume it away from your home.
Stock up on fresh produce
With spring around the corner, it won’t be long before we’re knee-deep in fresh, seasonal produce. You always want to make sure that you do most of your shopping in the fresh food aisles of the grocery store. Once the Farmers Markets open with season items, make it a habit to do some of your purchasing at the market. Not only does it get you fresh seasonal produce, but you are also supporting local farmers.
The more fresh fruit and vegetables you have on hand, the easier it will be to get all of the nutrients your body needs. Always remember that the brighter and richer the color, the more nutrients they provide
Get organized
Unhealthy meals come often when we are rushed and stressed.  Organization, Meal Prep, and Planning keep us from grabbing a frozen dinner, fast food, or take-out orders.
Create a meal plan for the week (or even month).  Choose simple (three- to four-ingredient) meals that don’t take long to cook. Chop vegetables for the week on a Sunday night and keep them in storage containers. Cook a week’s worth of brown rice and do what you can to stay ahead.  Print out the week’s menu and put it somewhere that you will always see it.
Secure healthy snacks
Having healthy snacks on hand goes a long way to help prevent overeating and growing dependent on sugary, high-fat items to quell between-meal hunger.
Here are a few suggestions to keep your snacks on the right track.
  • Keep a bowl of apples, oranges, grapefruit and bananas on the kitchen counter as incentive to grab a vitamin-rich treat.
  • Cut up carrots, celery, cucumber, red and yellow peppers, broccoli and cauliflower and have it easily accessible in plastic containers in the fridge.
  • Keep glass jars of raw nuts and seeds on the counter or in pre-portioned snack bags.
  • Toss in the blender some beans of choice with minced or roasted garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and fresh herbs for a simple dip or sandwich spread. It should last five to seven days in the fridge.
  • Stock up on Greek yogurt and keep it on hand for quick healthy snacks.
Enlist a professional
If you feel you need some extra help with your nutrition needs to truly overhaul your nutritional habits this spring, book an appointment with a nutritionist or dietitian.  After assessing your current nutritional patterns and needs, a nutrition professional can provide you the guidance to get you on the right track, and/or help you create a meal plan for you based on your body’s needs, your lifestyle, and your health and fitness goals.
Your body and health will thank you for the Spring Cleaning of Your Nutritional Habits!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Tips to Make You a Better Triathlete

These Tips to Make You a Better Triathlete are not just for something beginners should look at. These tips are things that seasoned Ironman Triathletes are even doing. This will help you with your triathlons and any other event you do. Learning these tips will help take your competitive edge to the next level.!155

Tips to Make You a Better Triathlete

These Tips to Make You a Better Triathlete are not just for something beginners should look at. These tips are things that seasoned Ironman Triathletes are even doing. This will help you with your triathlons and any other event you do. Learning these tips will help take your competitive edge to the next level.

Tips to Make You a Better Triathlete

1. Clear Out Your Mind
Internal chatter can erode one’s motivation. When this happens, you need to learn how to quiet your mind. A great way to do this, especially if your outside, is to focus your attention to your surroundings. Take notice of things that you enjoy about the outdoors. When your mind is quiet, your mind, body, and spirit become quiet and come into alignment. When it is all aligned your body and mind can focus on accomplishing the event.
2. Diminish Your Fears with Enjoyment
Allowing fear to take over your body will quickly drain your energy. You must train yourself to be fearless. You need to face your fears, and open yourself up to the exhilaration of competing. When you do this your performance, concentration, focus and energy levels will be aligned.
3. Get Faster by Slowing Down
Most people think that if you train harder and faster, you could become stronger and faster. This thought process is a myth. All training harder and pushing to be faster does is tire you, and make you sick and depleted. Slowing down your workouts and using a heart-rate monitor to stay just below your target heart rate can really help make you a stronger athlete that has more endurance over the long haul. Taking brief breaks in the middle of a big push has also been known to increase endurance and strength.
4. Repetition Creates Power
Whether the exercises you do for a workout, the training for an event, or practicing clearing away negative thoughts, the effect repetition has on your power is incredible. Performing an action over and over creates the greatest rewards.
5. Be Steady
We have all heard the saying “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”. Well it is true. Those who are slow and steady always have the best performances. If you always charge out full steam ahead, you will always be slower in the end. The greatest strength and endurance comes from being steady and maintaining balance.
6. Take on the Possible and Impossible
Good athletes are those who perform when everything goes as planned. Great athletes are ones who rise up and achieve success when nothing is goes right. No matter how impossible a victory may look, a great performance is one that you take the next step and then the one after that, and choose to never give up.
Whether a beginner or a seasoned Ironman, these Tips to Make You a Better Triathlete will make changes in your ability, both mentally and physically.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hydration – Is it Important to Weight Loss

Hydration is important for so many reasons, but is it important to weight loss? Our bodies are about 50-75% water depending on our body composition. Water is responsible for many different functions throughout our body.!155

Hydration – Is it Important to Weight Loss

Hydration is important for so many reasons, but is it important to weight loss? Our bodies are about 50-75% water depending on our body composition. Water is responsible for many different functions throughout our body.
Water gives us so many benefits such as;
  • Regulates our body temperature
  • Carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells
  • Dissolves minerals and nutrients
  • Aide’s digestion and prevents stomach aches during digestion
  • Protects the body organs and tissues
  • Lubricates joints
  • Keeps us alert
  • Prevents headaches
  • Boosts cognitive abilities and focus
  • Protects the heart
Of course this just names a few benefits that come from being properly hydrated.
It is important to be hydrated, but is it important to weight loss? The answer is, YES!
Proper hydration increases the metabolism. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, drinking 17 ounces of water increases the metabolic rate by 30% in healthy men and women. The maximum effect on the metabolic rate was reached 30-40 minutes after the water was drank.
Think about that…
If you are properly hydrated throughout the day, your metabolism is functioning better and burning more. If you are hydrated during exercise, you will also burn more.
So, if you are among the thousands who want to lose a few or many pounds, proper hydration is a must. Many people track their food and physical activity when they want to lose weight, but very few track their water intake. If weight loss is your goal, you should be tracking your water intake as well. Really everyone regardless should track their water intake to ensure they are hydrated. Proper water intake throughout the day can help assure our metabolism is operating at full capacity.
So how do you know how much water your body needs? It comes down to using a simple formula to calculate your general water needs. Please note: This formula is not exact, but accurate enough to be very close to what your body will need. Of course if you are still feeling thirsty you may need to add some more. Being thirsty mean you’re dehydrated.  If you find you need more water, increase by 8 ounces at time. Once the consistent feeling of being thirsty is gone, you have hit the mark.
Hydration Formula:  
  1. Know your body weight. Make sure you obtain an accurate reading. Digital scales are the most accurate. If the number on the scale shows decimals, round down if .4 or lower; and round up if .5 or higher. If using an analog scale, attempt to be as accurate as possible. (Example: 175.4 pounds = 175 pounds. 225.5 is rounded to 2225, etc.)
  1. Divide your weight in half. (Example: 225 pounds/ 2= 112.5, which is rounded to 113 ounces.) This number is your required water intake in ounces.
  1. Determine Your Activity Level. Your activity level is the level to which you physically exert yourself. This exertion has a direct correlation with our water intake. As we exercise or perform any physical or strenuous activity, our bodies will naturally expel water. This means our consumption will need to be increased to replenish what is lost.
A good general gage for physical activity is as follows:
  • For every 30 minutes of vigorous exercise add 16 ounces.
  • For every 30 minutes of moderate exercise add 8 ounces.
  • For every 30 minutes of light exercise or walking add 4 ounces. *
*if you have a job that you put in a lot of time doing physical work, or walking you will need to calculate extra water that is needed for the time spent doing those activities. (Example: Person walks for 4 hours at their job – additional 32 ounces, or a construction worker is doing hard physical labor for 4 hours – additional 64 ounces)
  1. Calculate your water intake needs. Follow steps 1 to 3. Add the numbers derived from steps two and three.
Weight: 250 pounds
250 ÷ 2 = 125 ounces
30 minutes of daily vigorous exercise = 16 ounces
125 ounces + 16 ounces = 141 ounces
(18 8-ounce classes or 12 12-ounce glasses of water per day)
Hydration – Is It Important to Weight Loss? YES!
Here are a few other helpful tips to keep yourself hydrated. When you are hydrated your body is happy, and your metabolism firing at full capacity.
  • Drink 16 ounce of water 30 minutes prior to every meal. This guarantees you 48 ounces just by implementing this habit.
  • Drink 16 ounces in the morning right after getting out of bed, and 16 ounces 30 minutes before going to bed. This gets you another 32 ounces.
  • When you see others drink something, drink some water.
  • Never leave the house without a bottle of water. Get a bright colored and fun bottle to help set this habit.
  • If you live in arid climates, add an additional 16 ounces to your daily consumption.
  • Use lemons, limes or other fresh fruit in your water.
  • Use a high quality, clean and free of artificial ingredients hydration supplement during exercise.
Hydration is important to weight loss. Whatever you need to do to consume the water your body needs, set up those habits and your body will want to shed more body fat.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Healthy Fish Tacos

On a dusty stretch of the road between Rosarito and Ensenada in Baja California, there is a taco stand called Mariscos la Alegría that changed the way I think about tacos. It’s possible that I had never eaten a fish taco before I stopped to eat one there, but if I had, one bite of theirs erased any other fish taco from my memory.
This family-operated gem specializes in seafood and their restaurant features bright, colorful murals of fish and two communal tables draped with bright floral tablecloths. A mother and her two daughters, all with their dark hair in thick, long braids, work the open kitchen. For the fish tacos, they press out fresh corn and flour tortillas to order and grill and fry thick strips of cod. Condiments line the counter and offer a choice of shredded cabbage, pico de gallo, pickled onions, Mexican créma (which is like sour cream), wedges of small Mexican limes, and an array of hot sauces. It’s a four-hour drive from my home in Los Angeles to Mariscos la Alegría, so I have learned to make my own version to hold me over in between trips south of the border.
This recipe for Healthy Fish Tacos captures all of the fresh flavors of a true Baja-style fish taco. Cod is lightly seasoned with salt and grilled (or broiled) until moist and flaky. Fish cooks quickly, so keep an eye on it until it’s done to your liking. If you have access to freshly made whole wheat tortillas, you would be a very lucky cook. For these, I used sprouted, whole-grain tortillas that I warmed on a flat pan. I then topped them with shredded green cabbage, a fresh pico de gallo salsa, and a lighter version of créma made with yogurt and lime juice. A squeeze of lime is the finishing touch.
Watch the video below to see how they’re made!
Total Time: 30 min.
Prep Time: 20 min.
Cooking Time: 10 min.
Yield: 4 servings
2 Tbsp. low-fat (1%) plain yogurt
3 Tbsp. fresh lime juice, divided use
3 Tbsp. finely chopped cilantro, divided use
1 medium tomato, chopped
½ medium onion, chopped
1 medium jalapeno, seeds and veins removed, chopped (optional)
1 lb. white fish (like cod, halibut, or mahi mahi), washed, patted dry
Sea salt (or Himalayan salt) (to taste; optional)
4 (6-inch) whole wheat tortillas, warm
1 cup shredded cabbage
4 lime wedges (for garnish; optional)
1. Preheat grill or broiler on high.
2. To make yogurt sauce, combine yogurt, 2 Tbsp. lime juice, and 1 Tbsp. cilantro in a small bowl; mix well. Set aside.
3. To make salsa, combine tomato, onion, jalapeño (if desired), and 1 Tbsp. cilantro in a small bowl; mix well. Set aside.
4. Season fish with salt if desired.
5. Grill or broil fish for 4 to 5 minutes on each side, or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork.
6. Evenly top tortillas with fish, cabbage, and remaining 1 Tbsp. cilantro. Drizzle with remaining 1 Tbsp. lime juice, and yogurt sauce; garnish with lime wedges. Serve with salsa.
Grilled Fish Tacos Recipe |
If you have questions about the portions, please click here to post a question in our forums so our experts can help. Please include a link to the recipe you’re asking about.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Working Out at Home Is Better than the Gym

For some it may be a matter of personal preference, but this sounds compelling to me!  (Nobody needs that many germs!)!155

Working Out at Home is Better than the Gym!   Give some thought to this…A recent study found that gyms have over 635 different viruses, bacteria’s, and germs throughout their facilities. Only 5% of people wipe down the equipment when they are done, and only 20% of gyms have a regular cleaning schedule. Equipment should really be wiped down with a deep clean every hour. Doesn’t that just make you want to run right over the gym and grab the germ-infested elliptical machines.
There are a lot of other things you have to deal with when it comes to going to the gym. Commuting to the gym, cold and icy weather, remembering your gym bag and lock, etc.
So what if your gym was your living room?
Your workouts would actually become better. No waiting for machines that only work one muscle or muscle group at a time, now germs to deal with, no commute.
Think about it…
Here are some key reasons Working Out at Home is Better than the Gym!
1. You Never Have to deal with rainy, cold, or harsh weather conditions. When your gym is in your home and you can get right to it and stay dry and warm. Research has shown more people will get their workouts done during bad weather conditions if they can workout in their home..
2. Gym Schedules Don’t Dictate Your Routine. You can work out any day, any time, and during any weather. It is on your time and schedule. That is a part of having a lifestyle you create.
3. You Don’t Have to Care about How You Look. You can roll out of bed and get started, have your hair in shambles, or even do your workout naked if you so choose. Though that might be a little uncomfortable. You can look any way you want to, even get out those polka dot leggings, 80’s shorty shorts, or that tiger striped sports bra.
4. The only germs you will deal with is your own. You don’t ever have to worry whether the super-sweaty guy who is always sweating on everything right before you want to use it.
5. Your Performance Supplements are always close by. There’s nothing worse than forgetting to pack your pre and post-workout supplements in your gym bag. When doing your workouts at home, your Performance Supplements are always close by. This is especially nice when you realize you need a boost during your workout. Its convenient to be able to quickly grab your hydrate workout drink to keep you working out at full intensity.
6. You can sprawl out on the floor and catch your breath after you had a kick butt workout. Whether it was a 25 minute, 30 minute, or a 60-minute workout, when it’s over, you get to roll around, lay on the floor and sprawl out in all your glory. No one will be standing over you as if you are nuts, and you won’t need to worry about all those gross germs on the floor.
Working Out at Home is Better than the Gym for these reasons and so many more. One of the other big reasons that Working Out at Home is Better than the Gym are the machines that the gym offers. These machines only move one muscle at a time, and move your body in one direction. When you work out at home and use high quality at home programs, your chance for results will increase. When you move your body in many directions and have the right supplements in arms reach, you can have some major gains.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

How To Get Fit Fast in 3 Easy Steps

Here are 3 easy steps to the 3 easy steps:  1.  Keep your eyes on the prize - your goal  2.  KISS - Keep it simple  3.  ACTION - if nothing changes, nothing changes.  Now, here are the 3 easy steps...!155

Let’s face it, our New Year’s Resolutions don’t stick quite as easily as the weight does. With summer upon us and nearly half the year over, your beach bod may not elicit the ‘wows’ you had hoped for.
But don’t sweat it. There’s still plenty of time to shape up and get fit fast. Whether your goal is to lose weight, slim down, build muscle or gain strength, this guide will help you along on the way.


Step 1: The Diet
The diet – perhaps one of the most difficult actions to take in your fitness regime. Let’s discuss the foods you should be eating, rather than the meal choices that will compromise your progress. You want foods that are full of nutrients and protein that start slimming down your waistline the moment they enter your mouth.  Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, legumes, fish and low-fat dairy products build muscle, burn fat, and keep your body well-nourished and performing optimally.
Try to eat as many of the foods below:
  • Salmon, tuna, and mackerel for muscle building proteins.
  • Yogurt and cheese strengthen your bones and fire up weight loss.
  • Spinach and kale to fight free radicals, improve muscle recovery.
  • Beans and legumes to build muscle, burn fat, and regulate digestion.
  • Beet juice for stamina, berries for satiety, grapefruit for metabolism.
  • Leans meats like turkey to build muscle and strengthen your immune system.
These foods are chock full of proteins, nutrients, and health benefits to help you get into shape faster and your muscles roaring. It goes without saying ( but let’s say it anyways ) that burgers, fries, chocolate cake and the like should be eaten sparingly, or you’ll put right back on whatever weight you lost.
With that said, sacrifices at the dinner table aren’t enough. You’re going to need to get off the couch and move.
Step 2: The Cardio
To lose weight, you must create a caloric deficit, meaning your body needs to burn off more calories than it takes in. Cardio workouts are not only the best way to create a caloric deficit and shed some pounds, but it also encourages a healthy heart, improves blood circulation, and makes your body lean.
Whether you decide to bike around your neighborhood, get some miles in on the treadmill, or swim laps in a pool, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity to reduce the risk of heart disease and fight off any gains in weight. But if you want to get lean, you’ll need to double that time to start seeing results.
Remember, your options aren’t limited to the gym: mow the lawn, play with the dog, go dancing or clean up the house are great activities to help burn calories and keep you in shape.


Step 3: The Workouts
Now it’s time to get your body looking toned and fit. Adding strength training to your fitness regime will enhance your metabolism, improve your strength, while helping you get lean or gain muscle mass depending on the exercise. 
To sculpt your arms, upper back, shoulders and chest you’ll need to invest in some weights or head on over to your local gym. Bench presses, shoulder presses, lunges and dips are great ways to bulk up your muscles, spike your metabolism, and get a lot stronger.  Try to do some weight training 3-4 times a week on non-cardio days. Remember to start off light, gradually adding more weight to avoid injuries, and to take a day or two off to let your body rest.
To do some belly blasting and reduce those love handles crunches, sit-ups, air bikes and Russian twists will help flatten your midsection without the need for equipment. If these are a bit mundane for you, search or ask around the gym or web for tummy toning exercises that work just as well, if not better.
To top off your fitness regime, add some yoga to the mix for a bit of mind and body exercise. Whether you join a class or practice in your living room, yoga is a great way to improve your balance, flexibility and your overall health and well-being.
Staying Motivated
Getting fit requires discipline and motivation. Getting fit fast requires the same, plus an iron-will. But both start with the right mind-set. In fact, the only obstacle preventing you from a beautiful body and exceptional health is your motivation.
Getting fit alone can quickly get frustrating. Without the right guidance and advice it can even be dangerous. But support is there.
If you’re looking for the best place to get fit fast, Beachbody On Demand provides hundreds of online workouts proven to get you burn off calories and get you ripped. You can stream all the world-class programs right from your computer, get unique meal plans customized to your goals, and  connect with others, so you don’t have to do it alone.  
It’s a great way to stay motivated. On top of that, you’ll get your own personal coach for one-on-one guidance and support to help you get fit even faster.