Monday, July 25, 2016

Soda Is a Destroyer

Everyone likes a cold, refreshing soft drink, right?  But what’s going on inside your body when you take that cold, refreshing sip?  
  • It’s nothing but sugar water.  
  • It lacks nutritional value.  
  • It leads to weight gain and poor health.  

Why?  What’s going on?!155

Soda Is a Destroyer

Day in and day out people actually still put soda into their bodies, yet research continues to prove that Soda Is a Destroyer. Throughout the world people consume 1.9 Billion bottles of soda daily. This is alarming. A bottle of cola contains an alarming amount of high fructose corn syrup. (HFCS is the highest calorie source in the American diet). In the United States we are addicted, and it’s a problem. Soda is a Destroyer!
HFCS interacts with the brain similar to cocaine and heroin. One behavioral therapist found it creates similar addictive behaviors. Within 60 minutes of soda consumption it begins wreaking havoc on your entire body.

Soda is a Destroyer

One drink contains 100% of your daily recommended sugar intake, and that’s not including all the other sugar sources people consume throughout the day. Eating this much sugar, particularly artificial and synthetic sugars has disastrous effects on the body, which include an increased risk for tooth decay and cavities, leptin resistance (leading to obesity), insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Consuming soda and having so much sugar hitting your body in one shot begins to have negative affects on the body within 10 minutes.
Within 20 minutes of consumption liquids reach the liver. Research has found that high amounts of fructose hitting the liver at one time cannot be processed properly and therefore causes the body to convert most of it into fat. This process is looked at as the fundamental principle behind the increased numbers in obesity and may also play a large role in the development of various cancer types.
40 minutes after consumption the body has absorbed all the caffeine in the soda. Soda has a lot of caffeine, most having 32mg or more per serving. Plus, diet soda is even worse, with a whopping 42mg or more per serving. Keep in mind that a serving of soda is 8 ounces (not the typical 20oz bottle). At this point, the brain also begins to react to the soda in a similar way to how it reacts to heroin. There will be an increase in dopamine production, and activation of the u-opioid receptors.

Soda Is a Destroyer

In an hour’s time soda begins to affect the body’s calcium levels too, it causes calcium loss through urination. Researchers has found that this may have a harmful effect on your bones, especially when most Americans consume 2-3 servings of soda per day.
Other nutrients that the body expels as a result of drinking soda is magnesium, zinc, sodium and electrolytes. The excretion of these nutrients increases around the 2-hour mark. This is when the start of the sugar crash occurs, which causes a person to be sluggish and irritable, as well as have increased cravings for another soda.
Still want a soda? Though we only touched on a few of the negative effects that soda has on the body, it is time to take control and realize that Soda Is a Destroyer.

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