It is time for people to stop allowing the food industry to continue to pull the wool over their eyes. This is just one of many topics the food industry continues to win, at the mercy of the public’s health. As more and more grocers and health food stores stock gluten-free products, it is time to know The Truth about Wheat and Other Grains. Now the stocking of these items is good news for people with Celiac disease, but experts and diagnosis show that only 1% of Americans have Celiac disease. Yet the market for gluten-free products continues to explode, and experts continue to shake their head as the food industry continues to take advantage of people to increase their bottom line. This is not a good thing.
According to Dr. Peter Green, those who go to a gluten free diet and don’t truly have Celiac disease are starving their bodies of important vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, as well as other healthy grains including bulgur, farro, kamut, and spelt. These grains are rich in an array of vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and fiber.
Plus, scientific studies continue show that whole grain foods, as part of a healthy diet, may help lower risk of heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer.
The Truth about Wheat and Other Grains
So what about the other 99% of society. Yes, some people may be sensitive to gluten but they don’t have Celiac disease. These people may feel better on a diet with less gluten, but this doesn’t make Wheat or other healthy grains bad. The Truth about Wheat and Other Grains is that grains themselves are not bad. It is the processing or the form of wheat and other grains you consume that is bad. If you consume a very highly processed wheat or grain, then the gluten content is greater. Therefore, those who are sensitive to gluten may have more issues. Does this mean you should go gluten free? Not necessarily… You may just need to take a closer look at the wheat and grain products you are buying and consuming. Unfortunately, the food industry also does a great job at twisting things around to make it seem you are buying something healthy, when it really is not. Take a look at the ingredient labels for the truth.
For starters people often think they are buying wheat bread, or healthy grains when all they are buying is very processed food that simply has packaging that tells them the products are healthy. So looking at the nutritional label will tell you if you are truly buying a healthy product. This is where you will find the answers to whether or not the grains are overly processed.
Wheat and other grains themselves are not the issue, and don’t cause digestive issues or weight gain. Grains have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. It is the over-processing of these grains, which increases the gluten content that can cause issues to those who are more sensitive.
The Truth About Wheat and Other Grains
Unfortunately, the food industry has control. It has been this way for decades and our incidence of disease, syndromes, and food related health issues have gone up! Look at all the fads created by the food industry throughout the past 4 years (it’s has risen from 11 billion to a 23 billion dollar industry), yet science continues to find the truth.
Unfortunately, other industries and people sell out and capitalize on these fads as well through selling books and other products, to bank on the trends. If people continue to buy in, the different industries will continue to take advantage and health issues will continue to rise.
The Truth about Wheat and Other Grains is when they are processed minimally, and consumed in a well-rounded, balanced nutrition plan that also includes lean meats and fish, fruits and vegetables, proper hydration, and regular physical activity the other 99% of society without Celiac disease will be healthy.
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