Monday, June 13, 2016

What Metabolic Conditioning Can Do for You?

Metabolic conditioning simply refers to structured patterns of work and rest periods to get a desired response from the body. This response is usually to maximize efficiency of a particular energy system. The body has several different methods of getting energy.  So, what can metabolic conditioning do for you?!155

What Metabolic Conditioning Can Do for You?

Metabolic Conditioning is the combination of strength and cardio exercise. In strength training squats increase your heart rate because your muscles need oxygen. When you do intense cardio your heart rate also increases for the same reason. Whether you run, sprint, cycle hard or lift weights doing squats, your legs ache because you drain your cellular fuel stores (glycogen) and accumulate metabolic waste products (lactic acid). So the questions are, do you really need separate workouts for “strength” and “cardio”, and What Metabolic Conditioning Can Do for You?
The answers…
You don’t need to have separate strength and cardio workouts, and Metabolic Conditioning can provide the strength and cardio workout that your body needs for results, strength, cardiovascular improvement, and complete functional training.

What Metabolic Conditioning Can Do for You?

What Metabolic Conditioning Can Do for You is provide you the opportunity to work your muscles and cardiovascular system at the same time enhances your body as a whole. So if you take the right approach known as Metabolic Conditioning, you can target them both, and can burn a higher amount of fat in the process. Metabolic Conditioning is characterized by full-body movements, such as squats, burpees, pushups, and chin-ups just to name a few. When you perform these and other similar exercises at a high intensity with limited rest you will reap the benefits of such workouts.
Metabolic Conditioning is not easy when you are new to this style of exercise. Often times people are surprised by how much you sweat and are huffing and puffing just a few minutes into a Metabolic Conditioning Workout. Guess what? That is exactly what is supposed to happen. You will create more muscle, slimmer waists, lower body fat, greater athleticism, improved cardiovascular system, and so much more.
In addition to cardio conditioning, muscle building, and effective fat-burning that Metabolic Conditioning creates, it also provides a natural spike in HGH, which is essential for tissue repair and muscle growth. It has recently been cited in the Journal of Obesity, that a study found that HGH levels in participants spiked by 10 percent from Metabolic Conditioning workouts. The study also found that Metabolic Conditioning increased the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, which both hormones aid in unlocking fat stores.

What Metabolic Conditioning Can Do for You Sample Workout:

Do each exercise for 30-seconds. Only rest 15 seconds between each exercise. Repeat for 4 rounds and only taking a 1-minute rest between rounds. You will need a flat bench or you can use a park bench or other type of stable bench.
  1. Bench Vault
    Place one hand on each side of a bench, gripping it firmly between them. Jump your feet from one side to the other side. Continue jumping back and forth as fast as you can in the 30 seconds.
  2. Box Jump
    Stand in front of the bench, drive your arms down and squat, and as you come out of the squat you will jump onto the bench. Step down, and repeat.
  3. Lateral Step Over
    Stand with your right or left side next to the bench. Step laterally onto the bench with your foot followed by your other foot. Now step down onto the other side of the bench. Repeat back. Continue alternating back and forth as fast as possible while maintaining control and good form.
Most people will find that they don’t truly give it their all when doing Metabolic Conditioning by just laying out a few exercises and setting a time. Therefore, it would be recommended to seek a professional coach that is well versed in Metabolic Conditioning or using an at-home Metabolic Conditioning program that has been created an approved by professionals. For unlimited access to a massive selection of at home Metabolic Conditioning workouts, check out Beachbody On Demand. It has something for everyone, no matter how fit you are.
What Metabolic Conditioning Can Do for You is endless. If you really want to get the most out of each workout, see results like never before then Metabolic Conditioning is a must.

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