Wednesday, June 29, 2016

You Don’t Like to Exercise!

Why is it that people who don't need to exercise like to do it?
Why is it that people who do need to exercise don't like to do it?
Because if you're out of shape, exercise sucks!
So what do you do?!155

You Don’t Like to Exercise!
You Don’t Like to Exercise, but you know it is important to live a healthy life. So what do you do? Are you that person… The one who has tried, has started, but you just never liked going to the gym. So once again you attempt to start an ambitious workout program with the goal of getting in shape, then it happens… you’re not even sure what it is that cuts you short, but it happens before you have a chance to reach your goal. You again throw your hands in the air and know You Don’t Like to Exercise.
Deep down you know what the problem is. You allow yourself to fall into the mindset of it’s hard, it’s uncomfortable, it’s sweaty, and mountains of other excuses.

So the real issue is… You Don’t Like to Exercise “right now”!

So what is the secret to having that mindset change? How do push through and stay motivated day after day when you just aren’t in that place yet? Do others that exercise with no problem know something you don’t? Nope, they don’t. It is simply that those who like working out from those who don’t are only separated by one thing: Fitness Level.
Here’s the thing. If you are not in shape working out sucks. With that said there is good news. You don’t have to become a gym rat to get to a place where exercise is no longer a pain in your A@#. With anything it does take some practice, and we all know what it was like to learn how to ride a bike. Well your fitness level will have some of those same growing pains. With time and practice, even when it may not look to pretty, exercise will help you stop feeling bad and start feeling good.

You Don’t Like to Exercise!

When you don’t like to exercise your beginning goals shouldn’t be to get buff or lose weight. The first goal should be to work toward a fitness level where it no longer sucks for you. This simply takes consistency. Having an accountability coach and group, can make that consistency much easier. Plus, with an accountability coach and group, you can stay consistent and push enough to take your fitness level in the right direction.
There’s also no reason to torture yourself at the gym when you don’t like exercise. You can have improved your fitness level and be secure right in the comfort of your own home. Why spend money on a monthly gym membership when you can improve your fitness level at home for an eighth of the cost. Just pick a program, have an accountability coach, and do it regularly with no excuses.
So here it is… Real tips to set you up for a lifetime of health with the ability to change your mind set on exercise.
1. Commit to Consistency – Choose a plan, and make a commitment to sticking to it.
2. Take Baby Steps – This is where having the right plan to follow is important. Don’t expect to turn into a fitness guru overnight.
3. Pick a Fitness Plan That Seems Fun for You – Not all exercise has to be heavy weights and a ton of burpees. Choose a program that will challenge to work your way up to a higher fitness level while being fun for you.
4. Have a Friend Join You, or Join an Accountability Group – This can make it competitive. Having a workout partner or group is one of the most effective ways to be accountable. A little competition can also be a great motivator.
5. Get into Music – Playing inspiring music while you work out can really get you going, and keep you going.
6. Use Great Supplements – We all have long days and nutrition plays an important role in how our workouts happen, and feel. Using a high quality nutrition shake during the day can really help boost your energy, and make you feel good. Of course if you are in need an extra boost after a long day at work, using clean Performance Nutritional Supplements can make all the difference.
7. Get New Workout Clothes – When starting a new program and plan, having some new workout clothes can make you feel good. Sometimes it can be the little things that help the most.
8. Reward Yourself – Doing something consistently and seeing something through is an accomplishment. So pat yourself on the back. Just remember to make your reward something that is not food related. Make it something that represents a healthy lifestyle.
You Don’t Like to Exercise now, but that will begin to change as you implement these suggestions, choose the right program and nutrition plan, and use an accountability coach and group.

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