Monday, March 28, 2016

Getting Through the Toughest Workout

What is the trick to Getting Through the Toughest Workout?  Be prepared.  Know your goal.  Breathe.  How do you get through your toughest workout?!155

How to get through the toughest workout

Have you ever asked anyone with they have done P90X? Most people say “No, that is way too hard”. The thing is, most people can do hard workouts if they know what’s required for Getting Through the Toughest Workout. It is a good thing to be prepared when you know you’re about to get your butt handed to you or even if you just know you’re going to be breathing heavy and dripping sweat.
Yes, you may want to quit and do something else, but finishing is what it is all about. So what is the trick to Getting Through the Toughest Workout?
How can you have the confidence to start and get through tough workouts without bailing out and using excuses like “I’m too tired”, “I’m too pressed for time”, or “I just can’t do it”.  Let’s get you started on what it’s all about when it comes to Getting Through the Toughest Workout.


  1. Be Mentally Prepared: The workouts may wipe you out, but going in mentally prepared by embracing the fact that you want to push yourself because you know it will bring the results you are looking for will make all the difference. Mind over matter, my friend.
  1. Workout with a Friend or in a Challenge (Accountability) Group:When conquering a grueling workout, you find you may need to take a break for a second. Well, when you’re by yourself your breaks may end up too long or you may never start back up. When you have a workout partner or group that you are accountable to, you’re more likely to jump right back in and do or finish the workout. These groups or working out with a friend by nature push everyone’s competitiveness, which in turn drives you more.
  1. Have a Routine: Your workouts should be a top priority. They must be as important as brushing your teeth or going to work on time. Your workout cannot be a low priority.
  1. Have Specific Goals: It is not good enough to just state “I want to lose weight” or “look better”. Your goals must be specific. Say something like, “I want to lose five pounds,” or “finally fit back into my jeans”. S.M.A.R.T. goals are the best goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-targeted).
  1. Be Positive, Powerful, and Present: Positive Images and Thoughts, Powerful Words, and Focused Presence can truly be a big help. Studies show that athletes who visualize themselves winning are more likely to succeed. If you wanted to, you could visualize before bed finishing your workout, and you’ll be more likely to get through it. Print pictures that are positive and will motivate you and hang them where you work out and in the kitchen.
Come up with what can be your Power Words. Use those words as things you say when you are trying to get through a hard part of your workout. Print off the words and hang them in your workout area.


Focus and be present. Your workouts are about you. They are not about your daily stresses or what you have to get done or have not gotten done. Make it your time. Focus on task at hand. This will allow you to give your best effort from beginning to end. You are also less likely to have an injury if you are focused on what you are doing and on your form.
When you put these things together, you will have no problem Getting Through the Toughest Workout. You just need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed with the best Beachbody ProgramsShakeology, Performance Nutrition, and with a Coach that can help you in a Challenge Group.
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#nutrition, #workouts, #performance, #fitness, #health, #weightloss, #wellness, #exercise, #recover

Thursday, March 24, 2016

See Big Results with Small Changes

Don't try to change the world.  Don't do too many things at once.  Start small.  Be consistent.  Build on success.  Day by day, it seems nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different.

See Big Results with Small Changes

People who want to lose weight, be better athletes, gain muscle, and more want to see results. Results can come without a lot of big changes. You can See Big Results with Small Changes. As Darren Hardy says, many small changes will compound into the large change you are looking for. Whether you’re just getting started or a seasoned fitness person, you will See Big Results with Small Changes when you follow these few ideas.


Nutrition is 80% of a healthy lifestyle, so nutrition is the best place to start so you can See Big Results with Small Changes.
  1. Reach for mustard, hot sauce, and salsa instead of ketchup, mayo, or sour cream for fewer calories, more nutrients, and less sugar.
  2. Eat slowly. It takes your body 20 minutes to realize it’s full. Eating slower will help stop you from overeating.
  3. Use Avocado instead of butter or mayo on your sandwiches. It’s full of healthy monounsaturated fat and fiber.
  4. Replace refined carbs (like white rice or enriched pasta) with whole grain versions. Whole grains have more fiber and more nutrients and absorb slower. This keeps your blood sugars more even and provides longer-lasting energy.
  5. Dump the sugary drinks and diet drinks. You’ll save hundreds of calories and won’t be drinking chemicals.
  6. When cooking use extra virgin olive oil instead of butter. It is heart healthy and doesn’t leave by products when it is heated
  7. Dedicate 75% of your plate to vegetables and the remainder to whole grains and lean proteins. You will feel more full and provide your body with necessary vitamins and minerals.
See Big Results with Small Changes in daily life can also have a huge impact.
  1. Sign up for an athletic competition or event. Having an event to work towards can really keep you motivated.
  2. Plan a fun activity, like a hike, group run, bike ride, or snowball fight. Activities and laughter with friends and family have an impact on your health.
  3. Get proper sleep! 7 to 8 hours of sleep will help your muscles recover faster, your brain work better, and you are more likely to not overeat.
  4. Go the distance. Take the stairs! Park farther from the entrance! Your body wants you to be moving, plus that means more calories burned.
  5. Keep your workout playlist fresh. Fresh music keeps the brain happy and you going.
  6. Move while watching TV. Do push-ups, crunches, squats, or stretch during commercials. These mini works provide extra calorie burn and feed your brain with chemicals it needs to function better.
  7. Reward yourself with clothing or new fitness gear when you hit milestones. Train your brain to stop rewarding your body with food.
  8. Wear a pedometer. Blast belly fat by moving 10,000 steps per day, or approximately five miles.


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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Tips for Fat Loss

It seems like a never ending battle, but ultimately, you are in control of your health.  Make small but meaningful changes over a long period of time.  It's a lifestyle.  You can do it.

#fatloss, #loseweight, #fitness, #health, #wellness, #nutrition, #sleep, #weightloss, #portioncontrol, #junkfood!155

We are surrounded daily by Tips for Fat Loss. The problem is that many people are using the wrong Information and Tips for Fat Loss to try and achieve their fat loss goals. Everyone understands how they would like to look or feel, but frustration just sets in as they use tips that just has them doing it all the wrong. This just ends up becoming a vicious cycle of frustration, desperation, crash diets, metabolic damage and eventually more fat gain or regain.
The majority of the information and tips that the fitness and fat loss industry puts out there is not designed to truly work. It is about earning money versus changing lives. If all the recommended methods did work, everyone would be walking around lean and healthy. If the book, supplement, and lose fat quickly companies wanted you to really lose the weight they couldn’t continue to sell millions upon millions of products that keep their company earning billions.  


1. Avoid Processed Carbohydrates: Processed carbohydrates include white or low quality wheat breads, pasta, crackers, muffins, gluten free products, chips, sugar, fruit juices, oats with sugar, breakfast cereals, “health” bars, pastries and grains.
Processed carbs raise our blood sugar rapidly, causing the release of our main fat storage hormone insulin. When blood sugar and insulin levels stay low the body is able to burn excess body fat as fuel instead of needing carbs and sugars constantly.
  1. Eat Enough Protein: Protein is one of the highest satiety foods. It will leave you feeling satisfied and fuller for a longer period. Muscles helps us to burn fat, and protein is needed to build muscle.
  1. Eight Hours of Sleep per Night: Sleep is when the body is the most anabolic and builds muscle. Adequate sleep is also important for optimal recovery from exercise. Not getting enough sleep leads to an increase in appetite and cravings for carbohydrates and sugary foods.
  1. Clean Out the Junk: Clean out the foods that are junk foods that become a habitual grab and roadblock. Out of Sight, Out of Mind is the best method. A drug addict who is getting clean doesn’t keep their stash around just because they already paid for it.
Removing junk food also has an effect on the brain as it is a form of dedication to your journey to a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Portion Control: Be aware of portion sizes. Society has skewed the view on an actual portion size of most if not all foods. Balance is what you need.
Your metabolic system will love real foods, balanced out throughout the day in the right portions. This will rev-up your fat burning ability. If you need assistance in establishing the best nutrition plan you may want to check out the Portion Balanced Plan that Beachbody offers with all of its latest fitness programs.
Two young women choosing food for diet

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Foam Rolling: It’s a Good Thing!

As you work out and stress your body, you need to provide relief, too.  Flexibility, mobility and recovery is as important as training.  Foam rolling is key.  It's like getting a massage - and YOU are in control of pressure, points, length of time - everything!

Foam Rolling has many potentially valuable effects for the general population. One of the greatest benefits of foam rolling, also known as self-myofascial release, is to decrease lactic acid pain that can be experienced during a workout. The irony of foam rolling is that it can be quite painful, at least when you do it inconsistently or are just getting started with a Foam Rolling regimen.

With Foam Rolling you need to start appropriately. Starting with your iliotibial band with both legs stacked is probably not going to work well for you. You want to start with one leg and progress to two over time, as your pain tolerance increases (or better said, as your soft-tissue extensibility improves).
Foam rolling may help promote muscle balance around a joint if you first inhibit a short, tight, strong muscle and then immediately activate a long, flaccid, weak muscle on the opposite side of the joint. In layman’s terms, you soften the “tight” tissue and tighten the “soft” tissue.


Though pressure is needed and it can be painful, too much pain is not a good thing. You need to do it properly so you do not create subsequent inflammation. Think of the foam roller as just another tool in your toolbox. You need to use it just as you would any tool. If you use a sander to smooth a piece of wood, you don’t sand too long or hard in one spot.  So like the sandpaper, just a few strokes with a foam roller may be enough.
If you do decide that the foam roller is a good warm-up tool, it doesn’t mean that you should use it on every muscle if the muscle doesn’t need to be rolled. A good rule of thumb is when you find that foam rolling is no longer painful, stop doing it before a workout. At that point you would use foam rolling as a separate restoration method as its own regimen for some relaxation later at night, but not before you train.


As a restoration or training method, you need to determine what works well for you. You must always keep in mind that what works well for you today may not work well for you tomorrow. So, go ahead and experiment with foam rolling during your warm-ups. Once the pain of foam rolling diminishes, you will then move into using as its own regimen and not prior to training.  

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts

Tick, tock.  Can you beat Father Time?  Is there life after 40?  Is it as simple as "move more, eat less"?  ...or is there more to it than that?!155

We can all Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts. In today’s society it is unfortunate, but many people over the age of 40 have difficulty with daily routine, let alone running around with their children. For people who don’t take care of themselves, injury and fatigue are far too common.
Why do people let this happen to themselves? Who wants to only live an active life up to the age of forty and then basically give up on strength, energy, and easy mobility?
Shifts in what you do can make you feel better now. Think how you will Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts. The best part is you don’t need to hire top nutrition and fitness coaches, and you definitely don’t need to spend wasted weeks and month experimenting with products and programs trying to educate yourself. There are two major but easy and inexpensive shifts that can make a world of difference.


So, here it is… Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts.
  • Get Moving with a Fitness Program that Is Designed to Create a Strong and Healthy Body!
We are meant to move, not sit for hours on end. Unfortunately, many of our jobs these days are desk jobs, so intentional movement is very important. Walking helps but isn’t the full answer. You need movement is designed to help you get stronger, do it in a way that is safe, creates a foundation of fitness, and challenges you as you become stronger. So how do you get that in 45 minutes or less per day? Easy… Beachbody fitness programs and Beachbody On-Demand. These programs will have you moving and being healthy in 45 minutes or less per day.
  • Don’t Count Calories, Eat Foods with a Lifestyle Plan
Yes, processed sugars, (cookies, cake, etc), dairy, alcohol, and refined grains (cereal, bread, boxed pasta, etc.) are just not good for you. Reducing these alone can get you started on the track to feeling more energetic. With that said, creating a lifestyle plan where you still can enjoy those things on occasion and don’t have to count calories each day is what makes eating healthier so much easier. There are two things that can make all the difference in creating a healthy nutritional lifestyle.
One is to drink Shakeology. It is the cleanest and natural nutritional shake on the market. Why not get total nutrition in a tasty shake? Plus, Shakeology has proven to help energy, digestion, weight loss, cravings, and an array of health issues associated with unhealthy nutrition and lack of exercise.  


Second. Don’t worry about counting calories,  but enjoy proper portions of the foods you love. This is easily done with Beachbody’s Portion Fix Nutrition Plan. You cannot ask for an easier plan that will leave you full, satisfied, and happy you don’t have to think or count calories to be healthy. This nutrition plan also comes with all of Beachbody’s top Fitness Programs like 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Cize, Insanity Max30, Master’s Hammer and Chisel, and more.
The greatest thing about these two easy lifestyle shift is they are inexpensive. If you consider adding up the costs of  a gym membership, nutritional products, gas to drive to the gym, and your time driving to the gym,  your expense will be at least $10 a day and only 1 in 3 people get lasting results. If you add the cost of trainer into the mix you are looking at way more money.
So why not get a Free Coach to help guide you, a nutritional plan, fitness program, and nutritional supplements for $5 or less per day, and know that what you are using and doing works.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom

Keep it fresh. Make small changes. Consistency & Intensity are key.  Nothing like seeing results to keep you motivated.!155

How do you Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom? Most people just start working out and following a program, not even considering how that could Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom. This holds especially true for people who most often attend group training programs. Typically, the group trainer does not have the participants track their progress or invite them to change up the weights or functionality of their exercise, with the result that you don’t use progression to avoid plateaus.
Planning Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom doesn’t just come from adjusting the load and having various levels of exercise. There are five very important exercise progressions that can help you avoid boredom and plateaus.


  • The Load (Weight) – This is the obvious exercise progression. Adding more weight makes the exercise harder.  Many people don’t realize that you can change the load of an exercise by also changing the angle. An example would be push-ups on the decline or the incline. When you are changing the load and angles often you can have better gains, avoid plateaus, and keep you from being bored with the same old exercises.
  • Change How You Stand – Adjusting your body position and stance can reduce or increase how your body is supported. When you do this your body has to work in different ways to support the exercise. An example would be to move from a standing normal to a staggered stance. This creates a whole new level of support needed throughout an exercise.
  • Tempo – Changing the tempo or speed of the exercise can definitely change how the body responds to the exercise. Increase or decrease the overall speed. Increasing the concentric, and slowing the eccentric move or vice versus can create different results. For example, you could alter the tempo of a squat with a one count on the way down and a three count up as you come out of the squat.
  • Combination Moves – This is when you put two exercises or movements together. Combinations create a bigger metabolic demand on the body or body part, which in turn creates more results.  You can combine squats with a shoulder press, deadlifts with back rows, or other exercises..
  • Move More – The more you move the more you are adding to your exercise and exercise program. An example would be a kettlebell squat swing. The swing is great on its own, but if you step to the side, then squat and swing, then step back in and on to the other side to repeat you are doing more.
Overall you just need to always be challenging and changing your skill level. Exercise and training should always be progressing in the overall program, the way you lift or move, and how much you lift or move.


Many people have a hard time developing these progressions and then doing them in the proper progression and safe manner. So if you can, it is always suggested to work with a trainer to help you develop these skills. If working with a trainer is not something that works for you, then taking a look at Beachbody Fitness Programs like the Master’s Hammer and Chisel, P90X3, 21 Day Fix, and more is the next best thing. These programs provide the proper Exercise Progression to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom. Plus, they all come with amazing easy to use nutrition plans, and a free coach.
With Beachbody Programs your options are limitless and you will definitely not get bored and you will avoid plateaus.
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Friday, March 4, 2016

Mindsets That Keep You from Success

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?  What's holding you back?
Be intentional.  Set goals. Take baby steps. Break the cycle.  How?  Here are some ideas to help.!155

Do you ever feel like you are just existing? This happens from falling into Mindsets That Keep You from Success. So how do you change? How do you get out of the Mindsets That Keep You from Success? The best strategy is about making a complete 180 in your life. It’s about putting a stop to self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.


So how to do you figure it out?  What actions do you have to take to really change the Mindsets That Keep You from Success? If you don’t believe success is possible for you, you’ll make excuses and stay stuck. You have to break the cycles and change the mindsets.
Here are the things you need to change so you can create success:
  1. Comparison – In today’s world of everything you see and do can be at your fingertips, it can be easy to fall into a trap of comparing where you are today to where someone else is. The thing is you cannot compare, as we all have our own learning curves and journey to go on. So instead of comparing yourself to someone else, you need to use what they have and you want as fuel. Your journey is personal and it should be measured by the goals you’ve set and what you do to hit those goals. Use what you see from others to drive you, not make you quit.
  1. Self-Doubt – We all have experienced doubt and fear. Most us fall into the fear of failure or looking bad. This self-doubt can be one of the biggest things that can derail progress. If you listen to the negative voices inside your head, you will convince yourself that you can’t make big changes or hit your goals. The thing is you can! No matter what you do you can obtain it. If it isn’t happening as fast as you want it to, that doesn’t mean you are failing, it means you need more time to learn and grow. Take action and stop self-doubting.  


  1. Negative People – Have you heard the saying that the six closest people you associate with affect who you are, what you believe, and what you do? Well this is so incredibly true. Negative people bring done other people. If you listen to negativity day in and day out, it affects your mindset and attitude. To obtain success you have to learn how to cut negative people out of your life if you truly want to make progress in your life and create success.
  1. A Lack of Inspiration – You need to fill your life with consistent motivation to keep focused. With the Internet at your fingertips you have the ability to grab daily inspiration through blogs, audio books, podcasts, YouTube, and more. Daily Personal Development is extremely important. Block out time each day for inspiration and motivation.
  1. Waiting – The one thing in life that you are not guaranteed is knowing when your time on this earth will end. We truly only have today! You need to stop waiting. Today is now, and you need to start. Procrastinating will keep you from creating your success.

It is your time to grab your future in health, fitness, nutrition, business, and more! Change your Mindsets That Keep You from Success!