Thursday, January 28, 2016

What Can Quercetin Do for You?

Before you can answer What Can Quercetin Do for You? you first need to know what it is and where it comes from.  If you workout hard, if you compete on any level, this is important to know.  This article tells you why.!155

What Can Quercetin Do for You? It has been determined through sports science and nutritional research that quercetin can do quite a bit for your performance during exercise. Quercetin is a bioactive compound and phytonutrient. Phytonutrients give fruits and vegetables their color. Quercetin is found in apples, onions, and other fruits and vegetables that have a yellow color or yellow hue. This flavonoid has been found to have many benefits for humans. When Quercetin is used in products it will give a yellow color to the supplement. The brighter the yellow, the more pure the quercetin. Beachbody Performance Energize and Hydrate are two of the best supplements on the market that contain quercetin. Their day-glow yellow color proves that the quercetin is very pure.
To understand What Can Quercetin Do for You? you first must have a better understanding what it is and what it can do to benefit you and your performance during workouts.


Quercetin can help enhance your immune system. Quercetin may have antiviral benefits, and help fight oxidative stress, which in turn can help regulate immune function, and reduce your chances of developing illness when you are training hard.
Though quercetin can help with these immune functions, it does this best when combined with specific nutrients.  When combined with vitamin C and Omega-3 fatty acids it has a greater impact on the reduction of oxidative stress.
Quercetin can also help decrease Inflammation. It has been known to be high in anti-inflammatory properties following exercise. Scientists have seen that when quercetin is combined with green tea (another powerful flavonoid), a reduction in inflammation takes place immediately after exercise. This is a huge benefit since acute inflammation slows recovery, and contributes to DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).
Quercetin increases energy. It increases energy by supporting mitochondrial biogenesis. Mitochondria produce the energy that powers the cells in the body. The more mitochondria, the more energy. More energy, the greater physical output one will have. This means the body will be faster, stronger, and perform better.


What Can Quercetin Do for You? Anyone who engages in exercise should seriously consider having quercetin as a part of their supplementation plan. Quercetin when combined with the other nutrients that are important to your body will help boost your performance and protect your body from unnecessary damage. Get your performance and body in top form by using Energize and Hydrate from the Beachbody Performance Line. These two products have the right amount of Quercetin, and the other nutrients needed to have peak performance and recovery.

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