Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Lifting Heavy Won’t Make Women “Bulk Up”

It’s a sad to walk into most gyms and see almost only guys in the weight room and the majority of cardio equipment being used by women.  It should be even but, never is.  

Weight Lifting is not just about staying strong. Lifting heavy is the best way to increase bone density. Which is especially important to women since women are the highest risk of osteoporosis as they age. 

Need more info about resistance training for the benefit of women?  Read on...!155

Lifting weights is good for the bones, the body, and so much more. Lifting Heavy Won’t Make Women “Bulk Up” or look masculine. Fitness and exercise is about being completely healthy. Which is why fitness and exercise encompass resistance training, cardio training, flexibility training, and balance training all which are done in many styles. All these training methods and styles have a purpose and are needed. It’s a sad to walk into most gyms and see almost only guys in the weight room and the majority of cardio equipment being used by women. It should always be even but, never is.
Weight Lifting is not just about staying strong. Lifting heavy is the best way to increase bone density. Which is especially important to women since women are the highest risk of osteoporosis as they age. Without heavy lifting taking calcium supplements are not doing very much to help. Add weight lifting and it makes bones stronger. It has been proven time and again in studies that more bone material is developed when under the stress of heavy resistance training.

Lifting Heavy Won’t Make Women “Bulk Up”

Ladies it is time to realize that you need to add weights. It is your best chance to help prevent something like a broken leg or shattering your arm if you happen to fall down when you are older. It is time to seriously consider adding weights to your workout regimen.
Of course we will work on breaking through your fears since we know you are not convinced yet that Lifting Heavy Won’t Make Women “bulk up” like a man. Let’s put a stop to those fears!
So let’s touch on the basics…Testosterone and human growth hormone! These are the two major hormones involved in building muscle. Both women and men have them, but men have way more testosterone. Women have about 15-20% less concentration of testosterone than men. Without that extra testosterone, women are biologically unable to build the big muscles.
Heavy resistance training will help women get nice lean muscle as the testosterone levels increase to some extent from lifting, but females will not build the type of muscle men do because the genetic levels of testosterone just won’t allow it. With female levels of testosterone being so low, and the higher levels of estrogen and progesterone it is impossible to create big muscles. Women will only create lean tissue.

Lifting Heavy Won’t Make Women “Bulk Up”

Still concerned right… You cannot be on the internet and social media platform seeing of women who are very muscular, masculine, and resemble a male’s body type and think that is what will happen if women lift heavy. Most examples are usually of “unnatural” professional female bodybuilders who use some sort of performance enhancing substance, anabolic androgenic steroids, testosterone, and other ergogenic aids to achieve that level of masculinity.
To create that look women have to use chemicals and male hormones, because that degree of muscularity and muscle in women doesn’t come from lifting heavy weights.
Again going back to overall health and fitness, it is important to use many methods from light weight high reps, to heavy weight low reps, cardio, flexibility, and balance. There is no such thing as toning. It is about creating lean strong muscles and decreasing body fat. If you want tight firm muscles it takes fat loss, and lean strong muscle gains.
The key to achieving a tight, lean, firm physique, is sound nutritional practices. A six-pack is made in the kitchen, not in the gym, so to speak. Furthermore, in order to build muscle, resistance training loads to include heavy lifting.
Lifting Heavy Won’t Make Women “Bulk Up”. What it will do is create muscle gains and strength. Using light weights and performing higher reps will improve muscle endurance, cardio training will help the cardio-respiratory system, flexibility and balance training will help your body function with more efficiency. Together these things produce decreased body fat, and a lean healthy physique.

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